Tips To Cleaning A Museum

|April 26, 2018

Cleaning a museum can be hard work, but it can be made much easier with the right set of strategies. There’s a lot to cover and it’s up to the experts to take care of an important job like this. You don’t want to break something or leave any hidden dust spots around as it could reduce the lifespan of the artifacts that lie in there.

When it comes to ensuring that everything is clean, its important not to miss out any corners or any specks on the floor. This is because dust mites and bugs can start biting away at the exhibitions that are present in the museum. Also, guest visiting museums prefer going to places that have a focus towards cleanliness. Areas that are left dirty or haven’t been cleaned in a long time, can be a great source of customer discomfort. Museums should avoid that and hire the right agency to get the job done.

Essentially, what you’re doing is breaking down the entire task into 4 main components. You want to clean the museum space itself (the floors, the walls, the corners, etc.), the display and storage areas (the display pieces and accessories), the objects themselves (cleaning them off dust and contamination), and lastly the visitation areas (canteen, bathrooms, kiosks, etc).

If you can make sure that you have all 4 bases covered, you’re in a better shape to keep your museum nice and tidy. Hiring the right professionals will help you cover the bases, along with ensuring that there are no sanitation, hygiene and safety issues when it comes to your museum and gallery. No More Dirt is committed to cleaning up your museum space and making sure that you can focus on what you do best – attracting visitors to the museum.

Keeping a museum clean and polished is an important part of museum operations. Some might even say that a squeaky-clean museum is a beautiful place that attracts repeat visitors.

You need to wear gloves at all times, so that you don’t leave fingerprints on these priceless exhibits. You also some high-quality equipment to make sure that you’re cleaning the museum inside and out. You’ll need a high-power vacuum cleaner with adjustable suction level and micro-vacuum for the smaller spaces. You’ll also need brushes including soft paint and craft brushes, shaving brushes, jewelers and watchmaker’s brushes. A good quality micro-static cleaning cloth and cotton sheeting is also a must have when cleaning up the museum.

Every time you clean your museum artefacts, you need to be careful in removing and placing them in the same spot each time. You want to clean as precisely as possible and take individual care for grouped pieces. That’s why you also need to use green products that won’t leave a nasty residue on the exhibits. You don’t want to damage the merchandise and keep it lasting longer than before. Since these prized possessions are worth millions, you should hire the right cleaning agency that specialises in taking care of them.

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